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Summer Exhibition 2024

, Scritto da Vincenzo Sebastiano
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Summer Exhibition 2024
Summer Exhibition 2024
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.

Alla Royal Academy of Arts di Londra è tornato uno degli eventi più attesi della stagione estiva: la Summer Exhibition! Fino al 18 Agosto 2024.

La Summer Exhibition è uno degli eventi più antichi nel panorama artistico londinese: si tiene ogni anno, dal 1769, presso la Royal Academy of Arts, nel cuore di Londra, a Piccadilly, nella splendida cornice di Burlington House. Sin dal XVIII secolo l’intento di questa particolare esibizione è quello di promuovere le arti attraverso l’educazione e le esposizioni delle opere contemporanee di giovani artisti. Ogni estate la rassegna offre un’ampia panoramica sull’arte contemporanea inglese (e non solo) ed è ormai considerata una tra le più interessanti ed originali esposizioni artistiche del paese. Si tratta infatti della più antica mostra temporanea (con opere in vendita) al mondo, aperta sia ad artisti affermati sia a quelli emergenti o ancora ignoti: tra i primi espositori del XVIII secolo, ricordiamo pittori del calibro di Reynolds, Constable e Turner.

In breve, tutto ciò che i visitatori possono ammirare alla Summer Exhibition rappresenta realmente ciò che sta accadendo nel mondo dell’arte contemporanea proprio ora: arte nuova, recente e innovativa. Quest’anno, la mostra è coordinata e diretta dalla celebre scultrice britannica, Ann Christopher, RA.

Il tema principale ed il filo conduttore della ‘Exhibition’ di quest’anno gira intorno all’idea di creare nuovi spazi, sia dando spazio che prendendo spazio. Tutto ciò, racconta la Christopher, può essere interpretato in vari modi: fare spazio può significare apertura verso il mondo, oppure fare spazio a qualcosa o qualcuno, ma anche fare spazio tra le cose.

La mostra si sviluppa secondo un percorso artistico ben definito, incentrato su temi differenti che tengono conto sia delle speculazioni filosofiche che degli aspetti meramente pratici e tecnici realtivi alla vita attuale. E’ allestita in dieci ampie sale della storica dimora settecentesca nelle quali sono esposte opere d’arte provenienti da tutto il mondo, realizzate da artisti noti o emergenti: un’ampia panoramica sull’arte contemporanea in tutte le sue possibili espressioni, una miscela incredibile di stili, tecniche, temi e colori.

La Summer Exhibition quest’anno espone oltre 1200 opere tra tele a olio, acquerelli, sculture, incisioni, installazioni, ma anche fotografie e video, un vero e proprio spettacolo diverso da qualsiasi altra esposizione artistica.

Summer Exhibition Londra
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024, showing ‘Gary Clam’ by Joe Lycett. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024, showing ‘African Phoenix: Coffin for Qm Nana Yaa Asantewaa’ by Elsie Owusu RA. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024, showing ‘African Phoenix: Coffin for Qm Nana Yaa Asantewaa’ by Elsie Owusu RA. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.
Installation view of the Summer Exhibition 2024 at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, 18 June - 18 August 2024. Photo: © Royal Academy of Arts, London / David Parry.

    Sono molti gli artisti di fama internazionale che espongono all’edizione 2024 che si presenta particolarmente colorata e vivace: tra questi ricordiamo Andrew Pierre Hart con l’opera A Cold Glass of Sorrel (olio su tela); Ann Christopher che espone la scultura Finding Stones 4; Flowers: Iris di Michael Craig-Martin; il quadro Neural di Diana Copperwhite; Africell Top-Up Kiosk di Ibiye Camp (modello stampato in 3D con polvere di gesso, 9.1 x 15 x 87 cm); The Warriors' Strength Navigates the Inhospitable di Charmaine Watkiss; e ancora opere di Richard Wilson RA, Cathie Pilkington RA, Anthony Eyton RA e Clare Woods.

    Le opere d’arte come sempre fuoriescono dalle gallerie dell’Academy: durante la Summer Exhibition infatti sarà possibile ammirare alcune installazioni nel cortile di Burlington House, tra cui l’imponente scultura creata dall’artista Nicola Turner.

    Come negli anni precedenti, la maggior parte dei lavori sono in vendita; un’occasione unica di possedere opere d’arte originali di importanti artisti contemporanei. Inoltre, parte del ricavato permetterà alla Royal Academy di continuare a fornire, gratuitamente, corsi di insegnamento post-laurea presso la RA School.

    Summer Exhibition 2024

    Dal: 18 Giugno 2024
    Fino al: 18 Agosto 2024
    La mostra è aperta dal Martedì alla Domenica dalle 10.00 alle 18.00 (ultimo ingresso 17.30) Venerdì fino alle 21.00 (ultimo ingresso 20.30) Chiuso il Lunedì
    Biglietto adulti £ 24.50 (£ 22.00 senza donazione)
    Vincenzo Sebastiano
    Questo articolo è stato scritto per Qui londra da:
    Vincenzo Sebastiano
    Giornalista, storico dell'arte, architetto